Monday, November 8, 2010


I work for the city, so I see council members, the mayor, important business folks, etc., pretty often. The most frequent mash-up of these groups is at the "Mayor's Breakfast." Usually this fancy, early-in-the-AM deal is at a country club or event hall or something, but this fall it was near the food court at the front of Sam's Club a few days before it opened to the public.

People stand in line to get an 87 cent Coke or a dollar fifty hot dog combo where lots and lots of wealthy business owners and city leadership sat and clapped and ate a catered breakfast on white table cloths.

Which reminds me, I've been thinking a lot lately about the role juxtaposition plays in photogaphy.

For one, at the most basic level it makes photography possible. That is, nothing would be visible (or photographable) without light and dark standing in contrast.

Also, seeing two things that really don't belong together, or that beg to be reconciled, or make you consider how they work in relation to one another...crammed into a 700px by 500px space is a marvel, I think.

This breakfast photo certainly isn't a drastic example, but it made me think.

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